Hack Girl Summer

Hosted by MLH

Friday June 19, 2020
9:00am to Jun 21, 9:00pm EST
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Event Description

Hack Girl Summer is our first MLH Summer League event exclusive to female and non-binary hackers. We can't wait to see what you build in an inclusive, welcoming environment!

Who can attend?

Locations have different requirements for who can attend. This location is open to the following:


Event Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK GMT+1 IST Event
Friday (ET) 6:30 AM PT 9:30 AM ET 2:30 PM GMT+1 7:00 PM IST Stream Countdown Starts
Friday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM GMT+1 7:30 PM IST Opening Ceremony Starts
Friday (ET) 7:10 AM PT 10:10 AM ET 3:10 PM GMT+1 7:40 PM IST Live Q&A with Lydia and Anuhya
Friday (ET) 7:00 PM PT 10:00 PM ET 3:00 AM GMT+1 7:30 AM IST Reminder 36 Hours of Hacking Left
Saturday (ET) 6:30 AM PT 9:30 AM ET 2:30 PM GMT+1 7:00 PM IST Stream Countdown Starts
Saturday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM GMT+1 7:30 PM IST Reminder 24 Hours of Hacking Left
Saturday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM GMT+1 7:30 PM IST Re-Opening Starts
Saturday (ET) 7:10 AM PT 10:10 AM ET 3:10 PM GMT+1 7:40 PM IST Live Q&A with Lydia and Anuhya
Saturday (ET) 7:00 PM PT 10:00 PM ET 3:00 AM GMT+1 7:30 AM IST Reminder 12 Hours of Hacking Left
Sunday (ET) 1:00 AM PT 4:00 AM ET 9:00 AM GMT+1 1:30 PM IST Reminder 6 Hours of Hacking Left
Sunday (ET) 4:00 AM PT 7:00 AM ET 12:00 PM GMT+1 4:30 PM IST How to Submit on Devpost Office Hours
Sunday (ET) 5:00 AM PT 8:00 AM ET 1:00 PM GMT+1 5:30 PM IST Submissions due on Devpost
Sunday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM GMT+1 7:30 PM IST Hacking Ends / Hard Deadline
Sunday (ET) 7:30 AM PT 10:30 AM ET 3:30 PM GMT+1 8:00 PM IST Closing Stream Starts
Sunday (ET) 9:00 AM PT 12:00 PM ET 5:00 PM GMT+1 9:30 PM IST Closing Ceremony Ends

Workshop Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK GMT+1 IST Event
Friday (ET) 10:00 AM PT 1:00 PM ET 6:00 PM GMT+1 10:30 PM IST IBM's z/OS Mainframe APIs: We're Always Online
Friday (ET) 4:00 PM PT 7:00 PM ET 12:00 AM GMT+1 4:30 AM IST Capital One Intro to Python pt 1
Friday (ET) 8:00 PM PT 11:00 PM ET 4:00 AM GMT+1 8:30 AM IST Build your first skill for Amazon Alexa
Saturday (ET) 12:00 AM PT 3:00 AM ET 8:00 AM GMT+1 12:30 PM IST Build and Deploy Your First Website
Saturday (ET) 3:00 AM PT 6:00 AM ET 11:00 AM GMT+1 3:30 PM IST Hack the Technical Interview: Algorithms Practice
Saturday (ET) 8:00 AM PT 11:00 AM ET 4:00 PM GMT+1 8:30 PM IST Up & Coming Tech
Saturday (ET) 9:00 AM PT 12:00 AM ET 5:00 PM GMT+1 9:30 PM IST Crafting a Chatbot People Want to Use
Sunday (ET) 4:00 AM PT 7:00 AM ET 12:00 PM GMT+1 4:30 PM IST How to Submit on Devpost Office Hours

Mini-Event Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK GMT+1 IST Event
Saturday (ET) 3:00 AM PT 6:00 AM ET 11:00 AM GMT+1 3:30 PM IST APAC Hacker Hangout
Saturday (ET) 6:15 AM PT 9:15 AM ET 2:15 PM GMT+1 6:45 PM IST EU Hacker Hangout
Saturday (ET) 4:30 PM PT 7:30 PM ET 12:30 AM GMT+1 5:00 AM IST NA Hacker Hangout
Saturday (ET) 9:00 PM PT 12:00 AM ET 5:00 AM GMT+1 9:30 AM IST MS Paint Bob Ross
Saturday (ET) 11:00 AM PT 2:00 PM ET 7:00 PM GMT+1 11:30 PM IST Panel - Landing Your First Tech Internship or Full-time Position hosted by TechTogether
Saturday (ET) 5:00 PM PT 8:00 PM ET 1:00 AM GMT+1 5:30 AM IST Skribbl Tournament hosted by TechTogether
Sunday (ET) 7:10 AM PT 10:10 AM ET 3:10 PM GMT+1 7:40 PM IST U.S Air Force Cyber Security Challenges

Additional Information

What is the MLH Summer League?

In an effort to better support the hacker community during these uncertain times, we are working to provide hackers with opportunities to Learn, Build, and Share from the comfort of their homes all summer long. We’ll be ensuring there’s a digital hackathon for the hacker community every weekend for the entire summer.

Links & Resources

MLH Discord Server

The chat platform where all the activities and fun will happen.

Unlocked when checked in.
MLH Broadcast

Where we will be streaming workshops, activities, and announcements.

Unlocked when checked in.

Hosted by

Mary Siebert and 6 others

It's our mission to empower hackers! We help support the global hacker community.