Hosted by MLH Hackathons take place each weekend on the MLH Community Discord. Every weekend, we have a different theme in place to inspire you and motivate you to think outside the box for your project. Come back here soon to see what we've cooked up for the weekend!
Regardless of our hackathon's theme, you can always expect a packed schedule with a blend of friendly, instructive technical sessions and fun mini-events. Our events start at 10:00 AM ET on Fridays and end on Sundays around 1:00 PM ET.
Our top teams get to walk off with unique prizes each week plus stickers, MLH + Capital One Season Tees (and masks!), and the highly coveted MLH Winner Pins. Everyone who properly registers for the event, will earn an envelope from MLH that contains; a thank you post card, MLH stickers, and a season mask!
This event open to hackers, all over the world. While we primarily work with student hackers or those who have graduated within the last 12 months, working professionals are also welcome to join us. Students can include high school students, university undergraduate or postgraduate students, and people who are in vocational training such as apprenticeships.
Happy hacking!
Locations have different requirements for who can attend. This location is open to the following:
The chat platform where all the activities and fun will happen.
Where we will be streaming workshops, activities, and announcements.
Major League Hacking helps run the global hacker community. It's our mission to empower hackers just like you!