Slam Dunk Hacks

Hosted by MLH

Friday August 20, 2021
10:00AM to Aug 22, 2:00PM EST
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Event Description

Calling all basketball (and sports) enthusiasts, this weekend is for you to build hacks for the sports fan in you. Share your passion with everyone through your projects and learn more about this interesting sport this weekend. Even if you don't like basketball, we encourage you to build something for fun, sports-related or not. Whether it's a virtual game or information cards for your favorite players, come join us for a fun weekend of hacking, workshops, mini-events, and more!

While we'd love to have you build something on the theme, our themes are only here for inspiration. As always, build whatever you'd like!

Who can attend?

Locations have different requirements for who can attend. This location is open to the following:


Workshop Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK IST Event
Friday (ET) 9:00 AM PT 12:00 PM ET 5:00 PM UK 9:30 PM IST Technology Careers with the United States Air Force
Friday (ET) 10:00 AM PT 1:00 PM ET 6:00 PM UK 10:30 PM IST Intro to z/OS Mainframe APIs - We’re Always Online
Friday (ET) 12:00 PM PT 3:00 PM ET 8:00 PM UK 12:30 AM IST An Introduction to Python Skills, Part I
Friday (ET) 4:00 PM PT 7:00 PM ET 12:00 AM UK 4:30 AM IST An Introduction to Python Skills, Part II
Sunday (ET) 4:00 AM PT 7:00 AM ET 12:00 PM UK 4:30 PM IST How to Submit on Devpost Office Hours
Mini-Event Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK IST Event
Friday (ET) 2:00 PM PT 5:00 PM ET 10:00 PM UK 2:30 AM IST U.S. Airforce Cyber Security Challenges
Saturday (ET) 12:30 AM PT 3:30 AM ET 8:30 AM UK 1:00 PM IST Geoguesser
Saturday (ET) 9:00 AM PT 12:00 PM ET 5:00 PM UK 9:30 PM IST Hacker Hangout 1
Saturday (ET) 11:00 AM PT 2:00 PM ET 7:00 PM UK 11:30 PM IST Chrome Dinosaur Challenge
Saturday (ET) 4:00 PM PT 7:00 PM ET 12:00 AM UK 4:30 AM IST Hacker Hangout 2
Sunday (ET) 9:30 PM PT 12:30 AM ET 5:30 AM UK 10:00 AM IST Hacker Hangout 3
Hackathon Schedule
Day (ET) PT ET UK IST Event
Friday (ET) 6:30 AM PT 9:30 AM ET 2:30 PM UK 7:00 PM IST Stream Starting Soon!
Friday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM UK 7:30 PM IST Opening Ceremony
Friday (ET) 7:10 AM PT 10:10 AM ET 3:10 PM UK 7:40 PM IST Live Q&A with Stream Host
Friday (ET) 7:00 PM PT 10:00 PM ET 3:00 AM UK 7:30 AM IST 36 Hours of Hacking Left
Saturday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM UK 7:30 PM IST 24 Hours of Hacking Left
Sunday (ET) 5:00 AM PT 8:00 AM ET 1:00 PM UK 5:30 PM IST Initial Submission due on Devpost
Sunday (ET) 7:00 AM PT 10:00 AM ET 3:00 PM UK 7:30 PM IST Hacking Ends / Final Submission due on Devpost
Sunday (ET) 7:40 AM PT 10:40 AM ET 3:40 PM UK 8:10 PM IST Closing Stream (Hacker Demos!)
Sunday (ET) 9:15 AM PT 12:15 PM ET 5:15 PM UK 9:45 PM IST Winners Announced (Approximately)

Links & Resources

MLH Discord Server

The chat platform where all the activities and fun will happen.

Unlocked when checked in.
MLH Broadcast

Where we will be streaming workshops, activities, and announcements.

Unlocked when checked in.

Hosted by

Sashrika Kaur and 4 others

We empower hackers!