Local Hack Day: Learn (2022)

Local Hack Day: Learn (2022)

Sunday October 10, 2021
1:00PM to Oct 18, 12:00PM EST
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Event Description

Join us on a quest to level up as a hacker at Local Hack Day: Learn! This week-long adventure will take you on a journey tackling new skills, exploring different realms of technology, and championing exciting projects.

Join us October 10th through October 18th! Learn more about the event at localhackday.mlh.io!


  1. Complete our swag form - https://hackp.ac/LearnSwag
  2. Update your address - https://hackp.ac/address
  3. Join Discord and a Guild - https://discord.mlh.io/
  4. [Optional] Sign up for a free month of Replit Hacker - https://hackp.ac/LHDLearn-Replit (free for first 1,000 Hackers!)


Day Check In Devpost Form
Week-Long Check In Devpost Form
Day 1 Check In Devpost Form
Day 2 Check In Devpost Form
Day 3 Check In Devpost Form
Day 4 Check In Devpost Form
Day 5 Check In Devpost Form
Day 6 Check In Devpost Form
Day 7 Check In Devpost Form
Day 8 Check In Devpost Form


We know what you’re excited for at LHD: Learn. We’ve got some awesome stickers and swag ready to go for every participant. It’s simpler than ever for you to earn your swag.

After you’ve completed our registration challenges, you’ll have earned yourself:
- An MLH Sticker
- A Season Mascot Sticker
- An LHD: Learn Hexagon Sticker
- A Thank You Postcard

Check in each day and attend at least 3 live sessions to earn:
- A super secret set of bonus stickers!

If you still want more swag:
-After each live session we will raffle off a ticket that you can redeem for MLH tees and other swag later this season


One of the best parts of our community is that it allows people to meet and make connections with others, regardless of where you live. Form a guild of hackers grow your community.

Remember, sharing is caring - so use these to share the excitement with your local community, friends, and classmates!

Form a Guild - hackp.ac/learnformaguild
Join a Guild - discord.mlh.io

Challenges and Points

Earn experience points for yourself by completing our challenges throughout LHD: Learn. Challenges aren’t the only way to earn points. You can also receive a point each time you check in for a live session, so the more you attend, the more points you’ll rack up. Learn more about our challenges at localhackday.mlh.io/challenges. They can be as simple as posting on your social media or as advanced as building a project and creating a full demo video for it. We’ll leave it to you to choose which challenges you want to take on. Feel free to work collaboratively with others on these.

At LHD: Learn, we will have plenty of week-long and daily challenges to keep you busy. Week-long challenges will be accessible for the entire week, so you can hack on them whenever you have free time. Daily challenges are only available for 24 hours after they’re originally posted, so make sure you come back each day to see which challenges you’re going to conquer.

Challenges will range from social challenges urging you to connect with other members of the community, technical challenges that will expand your coding skills, and design challenges to refine your skills as a creator and artist. Some of these challenges will be completed live on our twitch stream, so you can follow along and complete it with the community. We cannot wait to see all that you learn, build, and share.

Who can attend?

Locations have different requirements for who can attend. This location is open to the following:

Hosted by

Major League Hacking and 3 others

We help run the global hacker community. It's our mission to empower hackers, just like you.